
This month, to celebrate all languages spoken in our class, we asked for our families to send in the translations for the following phrases so we could add them to a display in our classroom. We can choose to speak, German, Spanish or Portuguese.

Hello –  Hallo/Guten Morgen        ¡Buenos días!       Olá/Bom dia!

Goodbye –  Auf Wiedersehen        ¡Adiós!       Até logo     

How are you? – Wie geht es Dir?        ¿Cómo estás?        Como vai você? 

Good, thank you – Gut, danke            Bien, gracias.           Bem, obrigado

We all belong to Bridge of Weir Primary – Wir gehoeren alle zur BoW Grundschule.                      Todos pertenecemos a Bridge of Weir Primary School.    Nós todos pertencemos a Bridge of Weir Primary School

Eight of our P3 friends were asked to come along to the BBC studios in Glasgow to take part in the filming of a new children’s gameshow. All is to be kept hush hush until the programme airs in the new year. Watch this space for more details.

Towards the end of the month, we were sent instructions to make our own magic potions. We each had a test tube and a pipette. We added the ghoulish ingredients and waited for the FIZZ!

After carrying out our potion making, we decided to write our own instructions so that someone else could try out potion making too!

       Happy Halloween!