MyON – something exciting – something new!!!
This year Bridge of Weir Primary has been able to purchase MyON as a fabulous addition to the Renaissance reading programme.
We believe MyON will continue to improve reading comprehension and increase reading engagement. All P4-7 classes have already been introduced to MyON and have login details.
Login details are as follows:
Search on Google
Login – Capital initial then surname with capital eg T.Smith
Password – ABC
What you need to know about MyON.
MyON is an internet based programme.
MyON can be used in school AND at home.
MyON can be accessed on any computer, tablet or phone that has internet access.
MyON has a huge selection of books especially written to interest children.
MyON has many non-fiction texts on a vast range of subjects.
MyON has an AUDIO facility which means books can be listened to as well as read on the screen.
This does not replace reading ‘paper books’ but provides an option for pupils to read e-books too.
How it works :
Pupils login to MyON and select from the LIBRARY what they want to read. They can also choose from the RECOMMENDED section which suggests books from their own interest and reading level.
After reading the story a quiz can be completed – this is recorded along with all other Accelerated Reading quizzes and goes towards word count etc (quizzes can be done at home although sometimes cannot be accessed at the weekend). Please note that when pupils do a quiz they must use their Renaissance login details which are slightly different to MyON login (see homework diaries). MyON has other facilities which are excellent in increasing comprehension and vocabulary skills eg highlighting tools, a dictionary and a journal to record thoughts.
MyON also records how long a child is engaged with it so they can track how long they have spent reading.
How can parents help?
Please join with us in encouraging your child/children to use MyON at home as well as in school. Encourage them by looking at how long they have spent reading on it – have they gone from the scooter, to the racing car, to the ROCKET!