Literacy and Languages
There are two parts to learning in languages. The first is about the language your child needs to be fully involved in their society and in learning (English, Gàidhlig). The second is learning additional languages.
Your child will develop a secure understanding of how language works, and will use language to communicate ideas and information in English and other languages. They will develop their ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings and respond to those of others.
Language Learning – a 1+2 Approach
Your child will experience learning another language from primary 1 to the end of the broad general education in secondary school. This language is referred to as Language 2 (L2). Language 1 (L1) is the language you speak at home. The L2 will be one from the list of languages available at National Qualification level in secondary school, and will be decided by the primary and its associated secondary school staff. The languages available are: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Gaelic (for learners), Urdu, Mandarin or Cantonese. The choice of language offered depends on both the primary and the secondary schools’ capacity to deliver these languages. This L2 in primary school will most likely be taught by your child’s class teacher.
From primary 5 onwards (or from an earlier stage in some schools), your child will learn a second additional language (L3), as well as continuing to learn their L2. Your child will continue with their L2 studies into secondary school, and will also have the opportunity to learn another L3 within their broad general education. This may lead to your child taking National Qualifications in languages in their senior phase.
In Bridge of Weir Primary L2 is French and L3 is Spanish. French is taught from Nursery and Spanish is taught from Primary 4.
For more information about the 1+2 approach to modern languages you can visit Education Scotland’s section for teachers on Language Learning – a 1+2 Approach. Parents may find some of this informative and relevant. Here you will find information on language learning in primary schools and video clips of language learning in action.
Learning other languages means your child can make connections with different people and their cultures. They will increase their enjoyment and understanding of their own and other cultures. Their ability to use different languages will allow them to understand and communicate socially and in the world of work.
Source: Parentzone Scotland